Number of Living Languages: 6,912
Number of Words in the English Language: 998,773
Number of words in various langauges
Chinese (various dialects): 500,000 +
French: 100,000
German: 185,000
Russian: 195,000
Spanish: 225,000 +
Japanese: 232,000
Hindi: 120,000
Arabic: 45,000 (though used in many more variations)
Toki Pona: 197
1 to 10 in 1,000 Languages
Number of Living Languages by Country
Top Spoken Languages in the World
Average American Vocabulary: 14,000 words
(Consensus Estimate.)
Shakespeare’s Vocabulary: 24,000 words+
(Various concordances.)
Number of Words Invented by Shakespeare: 1,700+
(Various concordances.)
Words in the King James Bible:
- 12,143 individual words in the English,
- 783,137 total words,
- 8,674 individual words in the Hebrew Old Testament
- 5,624 individual words in the Greek New Testament